Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011

Feeling Sick

I feel like such super asshat today. I left work way early and I feel like death.
Lukewarm death.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Found this Gem on a Blog I Follow

Hopefully none are ever spotted... but just in case.
In other vampire news I can NOT wait until Sunday night.
True Blood season 4 begins!!!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bored at Work

 Today I finished all of my stuff long before I had to leave work. So instead of leaving early I made the HUGE Twilight fan in the office who is super team Edward and team Jacob sign. She love love loves Edward, and says how they are going to get married. She also rattled off a ton of qualities she thinks he has. I thought at first she was describing Bill Compton on True Blood because she said "He's good looking, a gentleman, and an amazing vampire." None of those things describe Edward Cullen at all.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Portal Bike

It's official... I'm going to paint my bike like this either once I get my current one fixed or pick up a new one.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Another Homemade Pie

 This time it's a strawberry blueberry pie.The pie includes local organic berries and lots of love from me. I made it last night, and sadly won't try any of it until I get home from work today. It looks so good I can't wait to sink my teeth into it.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Mine vs. Their's

Not to toot my own horn but the whoopie pies I make from scratch taste better than the one's my parent's bought at martin's

Iconic Monroe Dress Sold at Auction

This mother effer sold for $5.6 million.
I wish I had that kind of money to blow on a dress.

I'd be burning $100 bills for fun.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

I Love Lobsters

Nothing says happy father's day better than some dead lobster.

Feeling Fresh

I just picked some fresh veggies from the family garden. Living in the country rocks.
There are cucumbers, spinach, and peas which you can hardly see.

I'm going to nom the heck out of some veggies tonight.

Happy Father's Day

Old Dog Douglas

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Just Ordered Something Else

Obviously I decided to go with something a bit retro this year, and a one piece to boot. I can't wait for it to come in. It will probably get here next week sometime. I wish it was this weekend so I could go out to the river and show it off. Oh well soon enough!!! I got it from Mod Cloth if you were wondering. I've got my fingers crossed hoping it fits. I've never bought anything off this site before.

Bad day improved? Definitely.

Sweet Dogs

My boys are trying to cheer me up after a terribad day at work.
They can somehow tell when I'm having a bad day.
Such nice guys to take a nap with.

Luckiest girl in the world.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Cute Tea Infuser

I love dinosaurs and one of my best friends (Krista) loves tea.... this is the two of us combined.
Found it at Her birthday is coming up soon....

Monday, June 13, 2011

This is how I Know I'm a Nerd

I just ordered some new chemistry decorations for my room.

I really love vintage chemistry equipment a little too much. It's also not just chemistry stuff... I love all vintage science stuff.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Etsy Finds I'm Sad have Sold

 I don't even have a land line and I want this.
I'm clearly terrible with money.
I love hot air balloons.
 This skirt was so inexpensive too.... why didn't I snatch it up when I had the chance?
 Next one I see is mine. 
Not going to hesitate or wait for my parents to not get it for my birthday.
 You always need to be prepared with a water gun book safe.
 At least I now have a cute green one so I can't be too sad.
Pink is still awesome though.

 What a cute silver service. Damn it for not having more money.
 This is super cute. Although I wish it was more knee length.
 Just in case I get invited to a Cosby sweater party.
You never know.
I need one of these for those days I just want to chill.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011

Which One???

Which shoe costs under $20 and which is over $200???

Ok, so it probably isn't that hard to tell that the bottom shoe is the more expensive one. The top is from Target and the other is Stuart Weitzman. They are practically identical. So I must ask... why bother paying so much more?

Your Mom Jokes Never get Old

Hands Down...

... this is the funniest image I've seen on the internet so far.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

What would You do for a Klondike Bar?

Pretty sure these guys would do just about anything.

Sharing the Love

Wednesday, June 8, 2011