Monday, July 5, 2010

We Drove to Williamsburg just for Candy Apples

So many delicious apples. I wonder if she gets them for free.
So tasty looking I want to eat them all.
We wandered around the store for a bit after picking out our apples.
These grabbed our attention for a moment before we decided to head outside and eat our temtping apples.
I went with plain carmel and Tim got the fancy looking apple.
I opened the package with care.
It's size frightened me for a moment.
I can't tell if I'm frightened or happy here.
Probably a mixture of both.
Getting ready to nom.
I have a huge mouth to be able to even attempt this feat.
Sweet, sweet carmelly victory was mine.
Not going to lie Tim's face freakes me out a little.
Possibly a little too excited? I think not.
 We both really excited but I think he was going to shit himself with pure joy.
Launch in 5... 4... 3... 2...
Lift off!!!!
Too much awesome for one bite.
What a cute face...
... only a mother could love.
He barely scratched the surface with that bite.
Faces of pure excitement over our apples.
We are experts and nom nom nomming.
Even strangers can't help but to stop, stare, and want to be a part of this.
 You might be gay if you noticed the apples first.
The long string of caramel from my mouth to the apple.
Note the hat on backwards in this photo and the one before because Tim put it on me like that.
 We also go frisky with the statue.
We shared a bottle of Shine Riesling between the two of us.
After drinking we worked on his writings. I corrected his spelling, and changed a few things around to make it better.

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