Saturday, July 3, 2010

Richmond Metro Zoo

We had to make a quick stop at the ATM and he apparently had to make a quick photo pose for me.
Pantera Bread for some lunch was much needed because I was so hungry. 
I freaking love their mac n cheese.
After getting slightly lost we finally made it to the zoo!!!
After getting in we headed straight to the giraffes because that was pretty much the only reason we came.
Their tongues felt so freaking weird.
I mean look at that thing!!!!
Look at the baby giraffe. It's so cute!!!
Seriously the giraffes apparently wanted nothing to do with Tim.
Butt sniffing.
This one was apparently super hungry.
nom nom nom
Finally, Timmy got a giraffe to eat out of his hand. He was so happy I thought he would pee himself.
I decided to make it look like I was kissing a camel.
He took it a little too seriously so I got scared and backed away.
Tim really wants a flying bison. Sadly these guys don't fly.
Alligator cuddle.
I guess someone caught this little guy red-handed and sent him to animal jail because we didn't see one.
 Flamingos used to be my favorite but recently it's been giraffes and elephants.
Tim was trying to blend in.
Looks like someone's car had an animal encounter on the way out.
Poor squirrel.

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