Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I've Lived here for 8 Months and I'm still Decorating

Recently I've gone on a spending binge to decorate my apartment. I keep looking at my walls and thinking they need to have something on them because they are super bare.
Yesterday, I ordered this vintage dictionary page with a printed anatomical heart on it from Etsy that I can't wait to get here so I can frame it and hang it somewhere in my apartment.
I also went into Ross last night and got these three guys for $12 which in my eyes was something I couldn't pass up.
Last night I was super busy with this whole ordeal apparently because I also put in a bid on this Bubo transistor radio.
 Today I'm still looking at Etsy trying to decide if I want to get more awesome stuff or not, and these are a few of my finds.
 I can't decide if I like the butterfly better or the dragonfly. They are both so awesome and I wish I could afford both.
I am absolutely NUTS over this round bottom flask and vintage stand, but the stand is super expensive so I'm getting neither.

I'm thinking one of these days I want to go thrifting around Richmond to see what other unique gems I can find to decorate my apartment with so it will start to feel a bit more homey.

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