Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Long Stream of Conscious Revisited

This is something I've been meaning to do for a long time and I just haven't found the time to get around to it or know exactly what to say. I want to retract a few things from my blog A Long Strem of Conscious. I want to say that at the time I was feeling very emotional and like it says in the title it's a stream of conscious and not to be taken completely literal. I was so focused on the negative things and completely ignored the positive and more happier and unlifting things with Paul and I. Some of the things I said had me down sort of did but I didn't completely cover both sides. With the toys and other gifts he's gotten me over time I do sometimes feel he only sees me in one light but I do also appreciate those things as well he and I are able to have fun with each other. I do at times feel that he can be a bit immature when he should be serious but I love him for it at the same time. When I wrote the blog I felt so hopeless and low I probably should have taken a little bit of time before writing that blog but I just had to get it all out of my system and try to figure out where some of those feelings were coming from at the same time. I still see a few things that need improvement but they are more smaller things that don't even add up to really being all that upsetting. I just wonder why when he sees a friend or someone he knows he doesn't introduce me or anything. I used to do the same thing to past boyfriends because I was either embarassed or didn't want people to know I was in a relationship with that person and there was no way around introducing them without the words "my boyfriend." I don't know if he is trying to distance himself from the relationship or just doesn't think. I'm more leaning with he doesn't think at times. Another thing is we usually only hang with my friends and never his. I try to make sure I include him in things I think he would enjoy even with my friends and I wish he would invite me out with him and his friends once and a while. I respect that we both need our time to ourselves and with our friends apart from each other but we just never do anything with his friends. It doesn't bother me THAT much but it once and a while makes me question things. I'm not crying over it or anything like that it's just something that occasionaly crosses my mind. I love Paul to death and none of bad things about and our relationship even comes close to outweighing the good things. We have so much fun together and he can really make me laugh no matter how upset I am he just knows me and he's constantly learning new things about me so he's constantly getting better at understanding me. It's been a little over 8 months and I can honestly say they have been some of the happiest months I've had in recent years.

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