Saturday, June 26, 2010

Adventures at the VMFA

To the VMFA we went for some fine art and silliness.
I have been meaning to go since they reopened it after improving it.
Everyone has a photo of this statue so I figured I should too.
We were also tempted to touch it before we saw this sign telling us not to.
I wondered what this piece would look like hanging in my apartment.
Heath attempted to make the same face as in the photo.
Boobs... enough said.
A frame from a really cool looking cartoon.
She and I could be twins.
Damn it looked good enough to eat.
Apparently taking photos in this section of the museum wasn't allowed. Too late for that.
This room reminded us of that scene in Knocked Up where there were too many chairs in one room.
Dude is riding a peacock.
This horse has too many heads.
Art Deco jewelry is super pretty.
I love lamp.
It made a pretty pattern on the wall so I loved lamp even more.
I took my own photo in the mirror. Skills.
What an awesome window! My apartment so needs one.
The swan started attacking me when I got too close to take a photo.
I was slightly confused and making a similar pose.
Watch out I'm going to lick a painting!!!
You ain't nothing but a hound dog...
(This doesn't really need a caption.)
We were starting to get hungry so even this looked really appetizing.
This bed looks shagadelic.
Another pretty stained glass window.
Old man river was sitting there all by himself... looking at me. Creeper.
What a photographic old man.
Mom Siam's... Heath is a fatass.
My delicious vegetarian dish.
 Butterscotch thing.... so good.
That brownie was so freaking good.

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