Whenever everything thing around seems like it couldn't get much worse and then it does I find that the turning point is just around the corner. So long as you try to get there and not let the weight of everything bothering you slow you down to a snails pace. This week has been a blur of exams, family problems, relationship issues, and sleeping and eating issues. It has also showed me who some of my most treasured friends are, that getting advice from multiple people and picking what your gut tells you is the best piece of it all generally works best, confronting your demons is better than trying to live with them, I've surprised myself and been surprised by others, and that no matter what follow your heart. I've cried, laughed, gotten angry, wanted to scream, been in control and lost control, been so afraid of the unknown, shared, listened, gotten nervous, hurt, and loved. It's been the most unbearable at times, but somehow it has been amazing and uplifting. I've resolved some conflicts, and have others that still don't have a solution. I felt like shit and still got told I look cute. Been so down and out but pulled it together with just a hug from the one person who seems to melt everything else away. I found that I can surprise myself and get strength when I thought I was completely hopeless. This week has surprised me at how much I've changed and showed me I still have a lot of growing up to do no matter how much of an adult I think I am. I think being able to admit I still have work to do makes me that much closer to growing up just a little bit more.
This week has been difficult but it seems to be working itself out (with a little push in the right direction from me).