Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I Hate my Photography Teacher but I Love these Photos

These are two photos I took of Paul riding his bike around RVA for my motion assingment.

You Fudge with Me You Fudge with the Best

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Skeleton Approves

You're alright in my book.

Monday, March 29, 2010

They're Here!!!

Check me modeling the awesome necklaces I got Paul and I. They are super awesome!!
Here's a close up of one...
... and here's the pair of them.
These are super awesome, and I can't wait to show him what I got. He's going to love them.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Silly Girl's Dream of a Silly Little Key

I don't know what it is about necklaces with key pendants but I absolutely love them. There is something so beautiful about a silver key (with or without little diamonds on it) that I can't get over. For me it used to be all about lockets but now it's these keys. They are so wonderful and can be filled with love if given from someone with the right intentions.

I hate to sound cliche but it's like they open the world of someone else's heart with just as simple a guesture as giving jewelry. It says so much more beyond that of a simple pair of earings or any other piece of normal jewelry. It's as if they say this is the key and it opens any door to my love that you wish it to. With key pendants you don't have to worry about cutting out a photo of someone to fit inside. Or even worry about the even bigger problem of finding a photo of someone that small. The key pendant says enough of what it wants to on it's own without anything else to take away from it. When you don't have a photo in a locket it doesn't seem right especially when someone asks you what's inside and you have to reply "nothing." They're just so wonderfully elegant, and I would wear one all the time if I had one to wear.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Watch Out for that Tiki Taboo

I loved this so much. Although I would like to point out that the tiki is not the same as the one from the Brady Bunch series. The following video has the tiki idol from the Brady Bunch.

I ordered two necklaces earlier in the week and they should be arriving today! I can't wait to get them. I of course ordered the Scrubs ones (way cooler and Scrubs is UH-mazing in my personal opinion).

Silky and Smooth

An even better photo of my new haircut.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

My New Freaking Haircut!

I just went and got my hair cut today, and it feels absolutely amazing. It also feels so much better since it's been 10 weeks since my last cut. Bridget always does a wonderful job.

The Skeleton and her Fancy New Eyes

We decided to give our lady skeleton eyes, and all we had to offer was reese's cups. Our teacher came over and used our skeleton to show everyone about the joints in the arm. Kelsi and I were trying not to laugh because we thought the eyes would fall out and hit her on the head.

Just the Two of Us

We finished first in assembling the skeleton and we only had two people.
We were way too excited to actually do this and so proud when we finished.
Go us!

Breakfast of Champions

It's a candy and chips kind of day for Kelsi and I in A&P.
You have to start the day off right when preparing to play with bones.

From A&P to Turtles with Awesome Names

My life is sad that when we pulled out the articulated foot I immediately thought of the Foot from TMNT and started quoting the second movie.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Stop and Take Notice

Someone must really likes easter.

RVA is for Luvahs

It makes me smile inside to see that people have been tagging and sharing the love.

I have a Love/Hate Relationship with this Time of Year

It's the attack of the rancid ass trees, and the reason I'm not overly fond of this time of year (but only when I'm around these trees).

I'm a Classy Lassy

I had strawberries with pound cake and homemade whipped cream for dessert, and just noticed that my berries were classy. It's little things like that I get a kick out of.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

He Pities the Fool

My dog Douglas aka Mr. T
I love him... and wish he had gold chains to wear constantly.

A Donut or a Jumpstart on Turning everything Around

This weekend has been so terrible but thanks to Stephanie it has vastly improved!
She's my hero and a half.

A&P Class Shenanigans

Looks like Barrette might have had a bad accident in A&P causing her to lose a hand.
At least she'll fit in around Halloween
I love my anatomy and physiology class... especially when we get to play with bones.

Chronic Heartbreak and a Restless Mind

Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to get some answers about everything.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

I Miss the Polite Drivers of the Past

Awesome... some jerk hit the back of my car probably with a truck a while back and now I have to deal with this because it's beginning to rust. People used to be so nice and leave notes and shit. These days it's tough luck for you.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Being 25 means She can now Round up to 30

At Carol Ann's birthday party having a blast!

Not Again...

It's been less than a week and things never got resolved last time and we're back exactly where we started. I'm just so lost for words and I keep getting this helpless feeling. To quote the Robot Chicken spoof of the Hills "it's so hard!" LOL

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Grades are In

Psychology test: 85
Nutrition test: 91
Anatomy & Physiology test: 89.7

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thanks for Stating the Obvious

 I think even Captain Obvious might be jealous of Very Berry and this little sign about how peanuts and walnuts "may contain nuts."

Late for a Very Important Test

Why is it that when you're running late for something important the whole world seems to know it and try to get in yourt way?

So Much has Happened in 1 Week

Whenever everything thing around seems like it couldn't get much worse and then it does I find that the turning point is just around the corner. So long as you try to get there and not let the weight of everything bothering you slow you down to a snails pace. This week has been a blur of exams, family problems, relationship issues, and sleeping and eating issues. It has also showed me who some of my most treasured friends are, that getting advice from multiple people and picking what your gut tells you is the best piece of it all generally works best, confronting your demons is better than trying to live with them, I've surprised myself and been surprised by others, and that no matter what follow your heart. I've cried, laughed, gotten angry, wanted to scream, been in control and lost control, been so afraid of the unknown, shared, listened, gotten nervous, hurt, and loved. It's been the most unbearable at times, but somehow it has been amazing and uplifting. I've resolved some conflicts, and have others that still don't have a solution. I felt like shit and still got told I look cute. Been so down and out but pulled it together with just a hug from the one person who seems to melt everything else away. I found that I can surprise myself and get strength when I thought I was completely hopeless. This week has surprised me at how much I've changed and showed me I still have a lot of growing up to do no matter how much of an adult I think I am. I think being able to admit I still have work to do makes me that much closer to growing up just a little bit more.

This week has been difficult but it seems to be working itself out (with a little push in the right direction from me).

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Next Car should be a Tank

I want this as a hood ornament on my next car. Seriously.

A Sign of Life...

... that's all I want. I have no idea what's going on or why this is happening, and it's breaking my heart. So please just let me know nothing is seriously wrong and you're not lying somewhere in a ditch.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Feet need Loving too

Saw this on one of the tables in the L.C. Bird in the photography room. There was a lot of different types of loving on that table but this one was by far the funniest. After taking the picture I realized it looked like a foot fetish photo.

Uncertain About Everything

Last night I asked Paul if he was avoiding me, and didn't want to be with me anymore but didn't know how to tell me. I know it might sound a little out there to most people, and hopefully like something he wouldn't do, but then again he has done it before (not to me). The seed was planted by someone who suggested that maybe he was just trying to blow me off. I was the one while thinking about what was ssaid to me put past and present together. I would like to hope it isn't true and it's just my mind wandering where it really shouldn't, but I'm not so certain now. If this wasn't the case I imagine he would have called or at least sent me a text to clear up this whole thing.

My stress levels are shooting through the roof right now and hours of sleep are way down. I normally don't wake up at 5:35 in the morning, and can't get back to sleep. I just don't know what to think he; neither denied or verified my text. He always seems to disappear at times when things aren't good; I'm upset, or ask something serious. I just don't know what to do anymore. It's almost like he can't deal with things when they aren't going right and just shuts off which makes everything that much worse. It blows things into huge issues that otherwise would have been simply solved, and makes me worry needlessly about things and not able to function without this nagging feeling at the back of my mind.

I keep running down with two differect scenarios and neither of them are good. On the one hand it's true and he just doesn't know what to say to me at this point so he isn't saying anything which hurts me so much to think about. Then there's the it's not true but he doesn't know how to deal with it so he does what he always does and shuts down. I keep thinking about that quote or saying whatever it is "If you can't handle me at my worst then you don't deserve me at my best." I just have no idea what's going on and it's eating me up, and all it would take to fix this is a simple text.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday Brunch

A friend and I wanted to get some good southern cooking from Comfort today but when we got there they were closed. We drove around trying to find somewhere both of us could agree on and found Millie's. We both got the Devil's Mess which was the most amazing omelet I've ever had. We also ordered a slice of cake each. I got the red velvet. I probably should have stopped at the omelet but I couldn't help myself. Sadly, I also couldn't seem to finish the slice of cake.

Bandwagon Time

So tonight while watching Moulin Rouge (such a great movie) I created an account for one of those question things it seems so many people have. Go ahead and click the link and ask me ANYTHING your little heart desires. I'll try to answer whatever you ask as honestly and openly as possible.

I hope people actually ask me some questions so I can feel cool/loved.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Le (Petit) Déjeuner a la Dinosaure

1 egg, 2 pieces of sausage, 1/2 cup of strawberries, 2 pieces of toast with nutella and peanut butter, and a glass of 1% milk.
This is NOT healthy for one meal despite what I might have thought earlier. I did the math and this is over half of my calorie intake for the day. YUCK! (... but so delicious)

At least this counts as both my lunch and breakfast.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Some of the Bones in Your Body can Smile so why can't You?

This cervical (neck) vertebrae is very happy to see me.

A Big Ole Box 'O' Bones

I love anatomy class right now because we get to play with skeletons and skulls. Today we got a box full of bones. When we opened up the bag of ribs I said "LOOK! We got a lady box!" It took me a few seconds to realize what I had said. At least the class got a good laugh out of it.

If you can't laugh at yourself then you can't take a joke.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Yummy in my Tummy

Oh noes!!! I bit off it's head... yummy

I'm Truly the Reason the Dinosaurs went Extinct

A delicious dinosaur sandwich.

Making a Fun and Healthy Lunch

Looks like someone's lunch for school tomorrow was made with extra love.

Paul's lunch also includes swedish fish, grapes, a banana, white cheddar popcorn, chocolate & vanilla pudding, and a little thing of chocolate milk. Both the pudding and the milk will be a special surprise for him.
Any respectable 1st grader would be jealous of such a lunch. I only wish I had some goldfish to add to it.

I <3 Paul.

Double Date Night with Kelsey & Thomas...

Tonight was so wonderful. I love how Paul and I interact with other couples and are able to have a fun dinner, movie, and board game night with people. Tonight Paul and I made dinner which included; homemade chicken tenders, asparagus drizzled with olive oil, and potato salad. Kelsey and Thomas brought over a delicious lemon meringue pie for dessert. After dinner we watched Mean Girls and then played a round of Clue (my favorite boardgame ever). It was Miss Scarlet with the revolver in the dining room. I love playing Clue and it's too bad I shared with Paul my winning strategy because now he'll impliment it against me if we ever play again.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

At Long Last My Search is Over

I finally found them after looking everywhere!!

I Can't Wait to Try Something New

Rhubarb glaze cheesecake soon to come now that this stuff is finally in season.

Life Unhinged

He didn't even mind that Kelsi and I did this to his jaw.

Bones are Cool

This looks super weird to me. YAY! Anatomy class for showing me what different parts of my body look like.